Water Softening

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Book me a free softener demo

With our extensive expertise, Holland Gas guarantee that the installation of a water softener will remove 100% of limescale from your water. When it comes to the extensive plumbing and heating repairs that we undertake, we find that they are often scale related. When water is heating above 60 degrees, the scale separates from the water at an accelerated rate. If you have a combination boiler, electric showers are significantly affected by limescale. Another way scale separates from water is evaporation. This causes issues with toilet cisterns, showerheads, and even the dreaded glass shower screen! Holland Gas offers quality water softening services, ensuring you save on descaling agents for your dishwasher and washing machine. Soap suds also work far more efficiently in softened water. 
Water softening service equipment


Our professional water softening services will ensure that your water feels nice, as well as save you time cleaning showers, taps and shower screens. Our skilled team offer a free of charge softener demonstration at your property. We will come along with a dummy unit so you can see what you are getting. Running your water through a small softener unit, we will show you the difference water softening can make.
Liam and Craig from the Holland Gas team were invited to Harvey Water Softeners to become approved agents. They were both sceptical of softeners, knowing the wool couldn’t be pulled over their eyes. Following the course, they both purchased softeners for their own homes and are extremely happy with the results. 
Close-up of salt pellets in water softener


Holland Gas water softeners are powerless; this means they are cheaper to install as no socket is required. As an efficient, affordable, and reliable option, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed with the results.  As many softeners use a computer to regenerate, they sometimes regenerate before they are due. When they are overdue, your water could still contain limescale. Our water softening services use a water meter and only renew when they need to. Single-cylinder water softeners cannot produce softened water when they are regenerating. Our options have a twin cylinder that uses a gearbox so while one is regenerating, the other is still softening. They block salt rather than the granules; this is easier to load, cleaner and lighter to carry. We also stock the salt for you, providing you with a hassle-free water softening solution.
Get in touch with our experts today to arrange a demonstration at your property. 
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